
Homemade Simple Syrups
It's the perfect season to enjoy a drink by the pool, on the beach, or in your backyard. Any get-together is ideal for some boozy fun! Lately, we've been loving homemade simple syrups. We’ve created a list of recipes that are the perfect addition to any cocktail. It's a fun way to mix up your drinks and impress your guests at your next summer cocktail party!
Four Recipes for the 4th
We've curated a list of cocktails that you could make any time of the year, but they also fit the the theme of your red, white, and blue celebrations. Here are 4 festive cocktail recipes that will have your guests wishing they would have thought of them first!
June Favorites
This month, Unbooze has carefully curated a beautiful, refreshing summer cocktail as our chosen cocktail of the month. This recipe is perfect for cocktails by the pool. Magnesium is our current obsession and we want you to know why you absolutely SHOULD NOT skip out on taking Unbooze after your last drink!
Cocktail Recipes for Summer
Summer's here, and it's all about chilling by the pool, hitting the beach, or just unwinding after a long day. So, why not shake things up with some fun cocktails?
May Favorites
At Unbooze, we want to inspire you to create your own version of our chosen cocktail we are featuring this month. We love margaritas, we love rosé and we love all things SPICY. That is why we chose this lovely Spicy Rosé Margarita for our monthly drink recipe.